
Pop culture icons in classic paintings

The artist Hillary White, on its Web deviantArt, published "parodies" of frames established painters (like Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Goya, among others) substitituindo human figures with characters from pop culture (especially the 80s). Check out the excellent results, with the captions you can find the link to the original painting:

What to do with old CDs into a digital world?

What about sculptures of your favorite artists?


From directors of The Matrix: Cloud Atlas

Thirteen years ago came to revolutionize the Matrix movies. Fantastic special effects, action scenes "foderosas" and a story that blew our brains epoch. It was 1999: blackout times, Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin and Star Wars - Episode 1.

Today, when we realize that Keanu Reeves does not age and that only the first film in the trilogy was good, we can expect a new science-fiction work of the Wachowski brothers (along with Tom Tykwer). Titled "Cloud Atlas", the film was recently released trailer:

Crazy, huh?

The film opens on October 26, and is based on the novel by David Mitchell. In the list, names like Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith!) And Susan Sarandon make me believe that this is not just "more of a science fiction movie."

Take a picture there to be happy:

Neil Gaiman is working on a new story in the Sandman comics!

In 2013 the Sandman Comics celebrates 25 years of existence. The last publication was in 1996 with issue # 75 - by Vertigo - Neil Gaiman and since then has been devoted to other work (and work!).

So what?

So that, for the happiness of the fans, Mr. Gaiman said in a video shown at Comic Con San Diego, Morpheus returns to comics in the miniseries "Sandman Zero," a prequel of what you see in the first numbers so adored works.

Below the video in which the master gives the news:

For those interested, I recommend you look at the comics, currently sold in bound and thick and great quality in bookstores. In addition to Sandman, also worth enjoying the novel "American Gods", which will become soon an HBO series. Not only there is the option to enjoy "Coraline" adaptation (animation) based on the history of the author.

The cover of "promoting" the new comic is this:

Clothes for bikers that are replicas of uniforms superhero

You can admit it, friend. You always wanted one of these.

The online store UDReplicas, based in Toronto, Canada, is selling overalls for bikers that are replicas of uniforms worn by superheroes in the movies.

The costumes worn by Christian Bale in the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight rises, already on sale. However, wear the mantle of the bat does not come cheap. The full uniform including jacket, boots, gloves and vest, costs U.S. $ 1,564 (U.S. $ 3,131).

On the company website, as well as Batman's uniform, you can see the clothes Daredevil, Tron, Captain America and even the troopers from Star Wars.

In the video below, some of these uniforms:

Want to hear a track from the new album of Bob Dylan?

Next September 11 Bob Dylan will release his new studio album - Tempest - the 35th of his career.

Many are looking forward for the result, especially after several media outlets claiming that perhaps this is the final work of the Bard (Shakespeare's last work called "The Tempest", hence the mistrust, because Dylan is a big fan of the playwright).

With 10 tracks, totaling seventy-minutes in length, the album seems theme: it's basically about death. Signing with the pseudonym Jack Frost, the septuagenarian an air show reflective about the end - when, for example, pays homage to John Lennon (Roll On John, age 10), or sing about the sinking of the Titanic (Tempest itself, which à la Desolation Row is 14 minutes and many verses).

Well, let's to business! It was recently released trailer for the second season of a series called "Strike Back" that talks about killing Americans in the middle east and those things they love. The interesting thing is that the track of the video is one of the songs on the CD, entitled Early Roman Kings. Watch the trailer (or just listen to the music) below:

For those curious, here's the order of tracks on the disc as they are:

1. "Duquesne Whistle"
2. "Soon After Midnight"
3. "Narrow Way"
4. "Long and Wasted Years"
5. "Pay In Blood"
6. "Scarlet Town"
7. "Early Roman Kings"
8. "Tin Angel"
9. "Tempest"
10. "Roll On John"


Kurt Cobain rare new video!

A new and rare Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love video went to the internet.

Singing an unreleased duet of "Stinking of You," the scene is part of HIT SO HARD, the new documentary about Cobain.

Check it out below!

Star Wars Identities Project

Few brands in the world generates such passion and interest as the STAR WARS franchise.

Gaetan Namouric, from tje Blueblancrouge agency (Canada), was responsible for the development of a campaign that we see below, that create a new Visual Identity for STAR WARS.

It belongs of STAR WARS ™ Identities exibition, whose world premiere was held in Montreal, Canada, on April 19, 2012.

Check it out!

Snoop Lion #Reincarnated Press Conference

Watch Snoop and Diplo's "Reincarnated" press conference below:

'Reincarnated', Snoop Dogg becomes Snoop Lion

Snoop Dogg recently announced his transformation into Snoop Lion, a Rastafarian calling that took over his mind, body and soul while on a eye-opening trip to Jamaica.

On his voyage, Snoop worked on his first reggae album with Diplo, titled Reincarnated. Watch the trailer about a documentary that shed light on his voyage: